Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions.
Question 1: Can in-kind match be used for CLLD?
Response: On ERDF programmes only buildings or land can be used as match and only up to certain value thresholds. Please refer to page 3 in the ERDF Eligibility Guidance (November 2017). On ESF see the question / response below.
Question 2: Can volunteer time be used as in-kind match on a CLLD programme?
Response: Volunteer in kind match cannot be used on ERDF programmes within CLLD. On ESF programmes within CLLD in-kind volunteer time match is technically allowed by the ESF rules, but only at the discretion of the managing authority (in this case, DWP). We are still awaiting definitive guidance from DWP. Until clarification is received from DWP, applicant organisations wishing to use in-kind volunteer time match on a CLLD grant application would need to proceed at their own risk.
Question 3: When does the match funding have to be confirmed and in place?
Response: Match funding will need to be confirmed and in place before an organisation signs a CLLD contract with East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Applicants submitting bids with unsecured match would only receive a conditional offer, which would be withdrawn if the match was not subsequently confirmed.
Question 4: Can we use staff-time as match funding on ESF funded Project?
Response: Yes (please refer to ESIF rules)
Question 5: Can we continue an existing project using CLLD funding?
Response: CLLD will not fund the simple continuation of an existing project. Your CLLD project would need to be a clearly demonstrable development from an existing project, for example increasing access to new participant groups or offering new services/training opportunities to participants.
Question 6: How will CLLD work with the new Work & Health Programme?
Response: We are awaiting more detail on the W&H programme and will advise in due course.
Question 7: Are there minimum/maximum expectations in terms of the value for money of CLLD projects?
Response: There are no hard and fast rules as projects vary in what they deliver and to whom. However the assessment panel will receive guidance on value for money, which will be based on in-depth experience from / comparison with other similar programmes.
Question 8: Is the capital spend (ERDF) specifically for commercial buildings or can it be used to renovate public building space?
Response: ERDF eligibility for this particular output applies to public and commercial space (internal space). We advise that applicants carefully check the ERDF guidance before proceeding.
Question 9: Are partnership bids being encouraged?
Response: There is no specific requirement for partnership bids and these will not necessarily score more marks than a bid from a single applicant. However, high quality bids from particularly strong partnerships will potentially score well.
Question 10: Is there a minimum number of hours / weeks that a CLLD participant has to be supported for?
Response: No. There is no hard and fast rule because CLLD programmes need to be personalised and flexible wherever possible to meet each participant’s needs. However, applicants will be expected to describe their programme and activities within a CLLD bid, including indicative duration and contact time. This will form the basis of a value for money judgement and subsequent quality and performance management arrangements.